Open Public WiFi

Bratislava provides residents and visitors of the city with a free WIFI network through 18 hostpots in the city center. Free city WIFI has been already used by hundreds of thousands of inhabitants and visitors of the capital. More data available below. For more wifi datasets click here!

2020/08 2020/07 2020/06 2020/05 2020/04 2020/03 2020/02 2020/01 2019/12 2019/11 2019/10 2019/09 2019/08 2019/07 2019/06 2019/05 2019/04 2019/03 2019/02 2019/01 2018/12 2018/11 2018/10 2018/09 2018/08 2018/07 2018/06
2020/08 2020/07 2020/06 2020/05 2020/04 2020/03 2020/02 2020/01 2019/12 2019/11 2019/10 2019/09 2019/08 2019/07 2019/06 2019/05 2019/04 2019/03 2019/02 2019/01 2018/12 2018/11 2018/10 2018/09 2018/08 2018/07 2018/06
2020/08 2020/07 2020/06 2020/05 2020/04 2020/03 2020/02 2020/01 2019/12 2019/11 2019/10 2019/09 2019/08 2019/07 2019/06 2019/05 2019/04 2019/03 2019/02 2019/01 2018/12 2018/11 2018/10 2018/09 2018/08 2018/07 2018/06 2018/05

Newest datasets

Newest PowerBI

Newest MapsBA


Open data are information or data freely available for everyone under equal conditions, which can be used for any purpose, commercial or noncommercial. They are available on the internet in structured form, which allows machine processing. The aim of the portal is to support open data of Bratislava City.

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